Why Other Meal Prep Methods Fail You

Why Meal Prep Kits Like Blue Apron & Hello Fresh, and Pinning Recipes + Meal Prep “Hacks” Continue to Fail You...

I talk to people every day who love the idea of meal prep. In fact, they've pinned a hundred different recipes and meal prep hacks, they've tried meal delivery kits in the past to “save time,” and more… and every single time, the habits don't stick!

They make 10 of the same lunch and get sick of it after day 2… and that meal prep delivery box sitting in the fridge? It took them over an hour, even though the recipe said it would take 20 minutes or less...

Sound familiar?

Here’s why Pinterest and meal prep kits keep falling short of your meal prep expectations:

You've pinned and saved easy weeknight recipes every single day, but they don't ever make it to your dinner table.

Those “easy” meal kits (I'm looking at you Blue Apron & Hello Fresh) don't always include every ingredient you need, or they send you way too much extra - regardless of how cute those mini condiment bottles are, they end up forgotten in the back corner of the fridge.

The issue with all these alternatives to making meal prep easier?

They're one-size-fits-all. And if you've been here for any period of time, you know I don't believe in that approach. EVERYTHING I do with my clients, even my Prep & Party peeps, is customized to your dietary needs and lifestyle!

The problem with the one-size-fits-all approach is:

  • It leaves little room for making meal prep work for your schedule - NO FLEXIBILITY.

  • Many of you never end up making the last meal of your Blue Apron because the other two took twice as long as the recipe said, and you were still left hungry.

  • You still end up ordering takeout and put it off until tomorrow.

  • The bag of food is ignored and you forget to cancel for the next week's delivery.

Blue Apron/Pinterest: 1

You: 0

…and then sigh 😌 when you realize you just spent another $80+ on food you probably won't eat (or enjoy).

Pinning recipes, saving Instagram posts, buying endless meal kits, doesn’t teach you the actual skills necessary to meal prep FOR LIFE.

Meal prep is a crucial life skill that needs to be taught within the parameters of your life. It must be practiced and consistent, and then you’ll be able to master meal prep for life!

The Downfalls of Meal Prep Kits

Imagine eagerly opening your meal kit delivery, excited to cook a delicious dinner without the hassle of grocery shopping. The recipe card promises a 30-minute meal, but as you start chopping and sautéing, you realize it's taking much longer than anticipated. The result? A meal that's tasty but leaves you exhausted and questioning whether the convenience is worth the effort.

Many people are drawn to meal prep kits for their promise of easy, quick dinners delivered right to your door. However, the reality can be quite different:

  • Limited Flexibility: Meal kits often come with predetermined recipes and portions, leaving little room for customization based on your preferences or dietary needs.

  • Time and Effort: Despite claims of quick preparation times, many find themselves spending far longer in the kitchen than anticipated, leading to frustration and meal fatigue.

  • Wasted Ingredients: Overstocked pantries and forgotten condiments are common issues with meal kits, adding to food waste and money out the window. Those adorable mini condiment bottles may look appealing, but more often than not, they end up languishing in the back of your fridge, forgotten and unused.

Pinterest & Meal Prep "Hacks"

Pinterest is full of recipe ideas and meal prep strategies (I pin all the time!), but relying solely on these resources can leave you feeling overwhelmed and underprepared:

  • Lack of Structure: Pinning recipes is easy, but translating those pins into an actionable meal plan is often more challenging than expected.

  • Skill Development: Following a recipe doesn't necessarily teach the foundational skills needed for successful meal prep, such as inventory management and efficient cooking techniques.

Building a Strong Meal Prep Foundation

To truly succeed at meal prep, consider these essential elements that go beyond the kits and pins:

  1. Inventory Management: Start by organizing your kitchen and taking stock of what you already have. This will not only save you time at the grocery store but also reduce food waste.

  2. Structured Planning: Create a detailed meal plan that accounts for your schedule, preferences, and cooking abilities. A well-thought-out plan can streamline your shopping and cooking process.

  3. Consistent Execution: Follow through with your plan by setting aside dedicated time for meal prep each week. Consistency is key to turning meal prep into a sustainable habit.

(Need to start building that foundation? My newest freebie, Back to Basics, is now available to help take away the overwhelm of getting started!)

Embracing Modern Meal Prep

Modern meal prep is about more than just following recipes or using pre-packaged solutions. It's about empowering yourself with the skills and strategies needed to take control of your meals and your time:

  • Customization: Tailor your meal prep to fit your unique lifestyle, whether that means batch cooking for the week ahead or preparing quick meals for busy evenings.

  • Efficiency: Learn techniques to maximize efficiency in the kitchen, such as prepping ingredients in advance and repurposing leftovers creatively.

  • Cost Savings: By shopping strategically and minimizing food waste, you can significantly reduce your grocery expenses while still enjoying delicious, homemade meals.

There's A Better Way

If you've struggled with meal prep in the past or find yourself dissatisfied with meal kit subscriptions and Pinterest recipes, it's time to explore a more effective approach. Modern Meal Prep, my signature course that focuses on building a solid foundation of skills and strategies that empower you to take control of your meals and your time.

Ready to discover the Feed Your Sister way of meal prep? Let's chat and explore how you can achieve your meal prep goals without the frustration and limitations of traditional methods. Together, we'll create a customized plan that fits your lifestyle and sets you up for meal prep success. Let’s get started!

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Eggplant Tomato Cod


I used to hate leftovers too.